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Product Stabilizer By #1 All Systems

I ordered  Super Cleaning Conditioning Shampoo and used it first for my puppies' first baths. Wonderful shampoo!  For Mac, I used this shampoo and rinsed with Product Stabilizer which has a really nice fresh scent. Finished with the Red / Brown Conditioner.  Have never had such a beautiful coat on my Irish Setters. Mega-shine, gorgeous color and highlights. - Caroline Kennedy, Massapequa, NY

Shampoo and then use this rinse to remove residue/build-up and prep coats for conditioner.  It is also the perfect solution for dogs with skin problems from parasites and fleas, dermatitis, old dog skin, or from harsh chemicals being used. Twice monthly usage is recommended to improve skin and texture of hair that is too soft, greasy, separating and/or has static.

#1 All Systems Product Stabilizer Instant Retexturizer . Healing Skin Refresher


In 32oz or Gallon.
Use #1 All Systems Product Stabilizer Coat Retexturizer & Skin Refresher on all coats to restore natural texture, maximize shine, correct over-processed and over-conditioned coats.

This totally unique and natural ginger-scented citrus rinse which tones the skin, removes residue build-ups from skin and coat, lowers the pH to promote natural healing (dermatitis and hot spots) and neutralizes alkaline stains (urine and saliva).  

Product Stabilizer is ideal for maintaining hard and harsh textured coats and for restoring texture to soft-coated breeds that are kept in heavy conditioners or oils.  It is a must-have grooming product for optimally healthy skin and coats.

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